software development lifecycle
software development lifecycle

Pricing & Billing

Work directly with INSOFT

Time and Material
30 €per Hour


Time and Material
40 €per Hour
60 €per Hour

All above prices are average and based on a continuous effort of 150 hours /month.


Our pricing model works as follows

Time & Materials

  • Our T&M model allows you to maintain a team of technical people at our office in India
  • Based on your requirement, we will provide Hourly/Daily/Monthly rates
  • Invoice will be raised upfront with payment expected within 20 working days
  • You can avail of volume discount for maintaining a larger team or if you commit to longer duration of work (Please call us for details)
  • For ensuring quality of work and planning, we recommend 15% of Project management time to be added to the required effort.
  • Requires a signed Service Level Agreement that states the deliverables, operating Model and requirements for Insoft and yourself.

Fixed Price

  • In Fixed price mode, we will finalize scope and deliverables upfront for an agreed price.
  • Any changes after freezing the scope will be costed separately.
  • Insoft will agree to cost and timelines of delivery
  • Size of the team will be at Insoft discretion.
  • Fixed Fee Model will require committed response time from the client to ensure we can deliver on agreed time and effort.
  • Requires a signed Service Level Agreement that states the deliverables and requirements for Insoft and yourself.