Quick facts

  • Founded in 1998
  • Owned and Managed by Belgian Georges Baekelmans
  • Head Office in Chennai, South India.
  • 24000 sq. ft. of prime, first world office space.
  • Member of NASSCOM and STPI
  • Sales - & project management office in
    • Antwerp, Belgium
    • Madrid, Spain
    • Paddington, Australia
  • Current Clientele mix
    • 39% IT development companies
    • 28% Technology companies
    • 19% Outplacement companies
    • 14% Consultancy companies
  • Full-fledged, self-sustained departments in house
    • Business Analysis
    • UI/UX Design and Development
    • Project management
    • Development
    • Testing
    • Technical writing and Documentation
    • Systems Management
  • 60+ professionals employed, of which 50+ technical
  • 10+ European - / US- based local technical architects available
  • 600+ projects successfully signed off
  • Shortest projects 3 man days, longest project 64 man years
  • Clients in 14 countries